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IBAK Webseite am 17.05.2024

Name of the assessment Self-assessment of transversal and professional competencies
Target groups Statutory officers before retirement
Description Self- assessment of transversal and professional competences is targeted to the retireing officers and soldiers. The method of self assessment provides the opportunity for purposeful planinng of professional carrier after comparatevely early retirement.
Group interview, individual interview, action orientated methods of testing, role plays, self descriptions, self-analysis
Target Self-assessment, counselling on career development, selection for trainings, selection applicants for a job by the company, helping with professional reorientation
Time need -
Licencing Vilnius Labour Market Training and Counselling Service. Consultants competent in career guidance consulting.
Expenses -
Provider Vilnius Labour Market Training and Counselling Service
Developer Entwickler
Developer Vilnius Labour Market Training and Counselling Service
Nonformal training programme for career guidance 2009
Further information lkuginiene@vilnius.ldrmt.lt
Available languages lithuanian
Validation procedure no

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